Maine Lakes

Gallo Susan

We are a non-profit, charitable membership organization, and continue to be the clear voice for protection of our most precious freshwater resources and wildlife habitat. We work to support everyone who values and benefits from clean water and healthy lakes in Maine, including lake residents, lake associations, surrounding communities, vacationers and the next generation of lake stewards.

The Nature Conservancy in Maine

Connor Horton

Working with people, and for people, to ensure a healthy Maine. We work to maintain healthy forests across the state through a network of reserves connected to sustainably harvested timberlands. We remove barriers for fish and wildlife passage in rivers and streams while improving the ability of road-stream crossings to withstand flooding.

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

MacCabe Emily

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) preserves, protects, and enhances the inland fisheries and wildlife resources of the state. Established in 1880 to protect big game populations, MDIFW has since evolved in scope to include protection and management of fish, non-game wildlife, and habitats, as well as restoration of endangered species like the bald eagle.